Monday, February 15, 2016

38 weeks...2 weeks to go...

The panic has started to set in - we're having a baby in two weeks! I met with the doctor today and he keeps telling me I could have this baby at any time. I have to laugh because he's said the same thing with the last two kids and I've been induced the last two times. It's as though my body gets totally ready - three weeks early - and then it just sits there without much change. I'm not sure how the baby doesn't fall out before then!

I'll take advantage of two more weeks; finishing up work projects, gathering baby gear and supplies and making sure the other kids get lots of love and attention before their world gets a little crazy for a while.
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  1. You look great! I hope everything goes well for you. We just added our second two months ago and things are still a little crazy - I can't imagine what it will be like with the next one. Wishing you the best :)

    1. Thanks! We'll be more than outnumbered so we're expecting crazy for a while. We'll be pleasantly surprised if it goes smoother than expected!

  2. Ummm, is that you like right now? 38 weeks? You are tiiiiny! Good luck with everything! It is definitely panic time - ahhhh!! :)

    1. Thanks! I feel larger and more uncomfortable than I may look - long torsos are great for hiding babies and miserable to find swimsuits for! The countdown is on!


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