Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's day...

It's been a good day. I know all Mother's days are supposed to be wonderful, but some are just better than others and this year was great.

Steve made sure I was taken care of all day, whether it was him making breakfast and dinner or the kids rubbing my feet with lotion. They were all there to make my day easier and more enjoyable. It worked.
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During our crepe breakfast, I was showered with gifts from the kids. Between their teachers in school and church I had quite the loot. My favorites each year are the fill in the blank questions the kids answer (when you find out how they really feel about you!) Evidently the thing I say most to Bennett is "Clean your room". There might be some truth to that.
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Hunter's poem from his placemat put a smile on my face.
Good builder, talented, kind
Mother of 5, Hallie, Hunter, Bennett, Cannon and Briggs
Who is happy when Cannon is not crying
Who is sad when Cannon and Briggs are crying
Who would like to see the Bronco's win a game
Loved dearly by Hunter"

Hunter and I share a love for Bronco (Boise State, not Colorado) football!

Hallie decorated our kitchen chalkboard for me - she's got a future in chalk art.
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Steve took on the task of making dinner and he told me he has a new appreciation for making dinner. It's hard work to make sure the chicken and corn come off the grill about the same time the rolls come out of the oven, all the while making mashed potatoes to perfection. He did it with flying colors.
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Friday, I attended a mother's day lunch in Hunter's classroom. His teacher was phenomenal in all she did to make a special afternoon. I loved all of it. The homemade tissue paper flowers, the hand colored plate, the poems and video messages. It was fun to watch Hunter so proud of his work and interacting with his friends.
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The day before that, Bennett had his Mother's day program (seriously have I mentioned how awesome these teachers are for all their efforts?!) and he sang and danced with the best of them. It was no surprise to see him on stage silly and playful - wouldn't know him any other way.
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Steve has a history of giving me some type of power tool to celebrate motherhood. Steve told me earlier in the week of his intentions to buy me a table saw for mother's day. I was more than excited. We even went out last week and looked at a few before deciding we would need to order one online.

Saturday afternoon we noticed a firetruck and ambulance across the street at a neighbors house. Our neighbor had been working on his roof and we feared he had fallen off and seriously hurt himself. Steve went over to see if everyone was okay. Shortly after, we saw our neighbor wheeled out on a stretcher with his hand bandaged, he waved at us across the street. Steve came back home shaking his head, "We're not getting a table saw." I knew in my gut what he was saying - he had severed a finger. The rest of the evening we were sick for him. Steve was completely rattled and was convinced it was a sign that I shouldn't get a saw. I'll admit it made me a little nervous as well - but not enough to ban all my woodworking projects. More than anything it reminded me just how powerful all of my tools are and my need to be cautious and careful every single time I turn one on.

I still want the saw. Steve is reluctantly willing to give me the saw with the promise that I follow all safety guidelines and never remove the guard. Demands I can live with.

Love that man for his wonderful service today and every day. And love these littles who made me a mom 5 times over.
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  1. You need a saw stop! Seriously, we have numerous family members who severed finger/fingers. Here is their site:

    1. I just heard about this saw a couple weeks ago and I went back to their website Saturday night. Their saws far outdo the competition as far as safety, but they're also three times more expensive. I know the other saws can be safe when all safety measures are taken - trying to figure out what to do!

  2. Were they able to reattach the finger?

    1. Unfortunately, they were not able to reattach - too much nerve damage.


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