Monday, June 6, 2016

Bottle a feeling...

Sometimes I want to bottle a feeling. A smell. A smile.

I've had many people tell me with this baby - enjoy it, it goes by too quickly. I know they're right. I know one day I'll look back with fondness. Which is why I want to bottle some of those senses. Senses I'm too overwhelmed and tired to enjoy right now.

Because the days are long and tiring and at times I find myself wishing the hours away. It will be better when Steve gets home from work. It will be better when the baby sleeps through the night. It will be better when he can dress himself. It will be better when he goes to school.

And yet I see the mothers with all their kids in school and they look at my sweet boy and ask to hold him so they can remember what it feels like to hold a baby. I'm sure holding him takes them back to their young mothering days. And at that point its easier to remember all the sweet and tender moments instead of all the craziness and tiring days.

Why is it so hard to enjoy where we're at? Why must I sufficiently pass a stage before looking back at it with appreciation?

Look at this guy - he's so little and perfect and so dang cute. His smile melts me.

Give me a bottle. I'm going to want to remember him just like this. Minus the throwing up. That's a smell I have no interest in preserving.

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