Sunday, July 8, 2012


While my brother and his family were visiting us, it was as hot as it gets in Arizona during the summer. We spent a lot of time in the pool but we were looking for other options of entertainment. We figured the adults (without our lovely children)would have a good time at water park for some evening fun. We geared up to hit the slides and secured a babysitter. Just a few hours before heading out, we realized the water park was closed during the evening. Dang.

We then decided it would be fun to hit the local show "Kooza" by cirque du soleil. Of course as we were trying to buy tickets it was apparent that they didn't have a Monday night show. Double dang.

We could've gone out to dinner, but we had a feast of a BBQ already prepared so we opted to eat a delicious meal at home. We were running out of options of activities to enjoy in the dead of summer.

We suggested taking the train into downtown Phoenix and grabbing some dessert somewhere. It wasn't a solid plan, but at least it was something to do while we were paying for a babysitter. That's when it hit me. We could slightly alter our plan and have ourselves a good time - taking notes from my neices and nephews - we went planking.

When I first introduced the idea to my brother he had no idea what I was even talking about. (I blame it on our age gap) I turned to YouTube and pulled up video after video of plankers and although he was skeptical he agreed. Our plan was to take the train into downtown, getting off at random stops and posing for a couple of planks before the next train came to take us a little further.

It was awesome. Not an activity Steve and I would attempt on our own, but we had the perfect energetic couple to go with us and we had a great time. Pictures to prove it: (Picture overload!)
Let it be known...planking is much harder than it appears. You put yourself in some very vulnerable positions and injuries are bound to occur. Case in point:

Surprisingly, this was a little addicting. I found myself looking at the world slightly differently as I determined how any given object would look with a person planking on top of it! We were dying laughing while we got some great looks from onlookers. I'm ready to take on more cities. Can you imagine the blurb book I could make after a year of planking???

Bring it on.


  1. That was an awesome good time! Can you send me those pictures?

  2. Ok THAT is hilarious! Love it.


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