Thursday, October 4, 2012

DIY Queen bed building plans...

Disclaimer: I do not generally create plans - I am much better at following plans. And often photos of the process are the last thing I think of. But here it goes!

I built a bed for our guestroom which I talked about here. Of course when I fell in love with the bed on-line - there were no building plans associated with it. So I spent a lot of time, measuring and drawing and paper and created what I feel is a pretty close replica!

Shopping List
7 1x6 (8 foot length)
5 1x3 (8 foot length)
3 2x10 (8 foot)
2 2x3 (8 foot) These are studs and aren't great pieces of wood, but they won't ever be visible.
Screws (based on kreg jig instructions)
Wood Glue/clamps
Bed Hardware

1. Footboard posts
You will be attaching 3 pieces of 1x3 together with glue in order to create a 3x3 post. I cut three sections at 20" and glued them together with wood glue using many clamps :) Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed They weren't exact on the ends because after it was glued I trimmed the ends down for a nice even finish at 19 inches long. Create two posts this size - these will be part of your footboard.

2. Headboard posts
Cut 4 additional 1x3 pieces at 19 inches and two at 45 inches. Create two separate posts with 1 45inch piece and 2 19inch pieces. Glue these just as you did the footboard posts and clamp with all pieces flush on the end.

3. Headboard
Cut 1x6 boards to length per the diagram below. (You'll notice the two boards on the edges are actually the 1x3 you created in step #2) Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed You should be able to get two lengths out of every 8 foot board. Lay them out on a flat surface and ensure that they sit flush on the base. Also lay out your two end posts. The top of the end post should sit 7 inches from the top of the piece next to it.

It's time to attach the boards together. There are two methods to doing this. I own a Kreg Jig(which I highly recommend and can't say enough of my love for it) which was my preferred method. If you don't own one, you may simply screw a couple boards across the back to attach it. My kreg method: Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed I marked across the back where I would make all my pocket holes for the kreg. I chose to dril two holes within an inch of each other on each board that I was joining. I used 3 to 4 screws on each board that I joined together. This was a rather tedious process. Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed I used a lot of clamps to hold it tight so my boards would be tight together. I ended up reinforcing the whole thing with a 1x6 and a 1x3 across the back. (note: you might want to reinforce it even more with a couple more boards - or when creating the headboard posts, instead of cutting two pieces at 19inces - make it a solid post, 3 pieces glued together at 45 inches.) Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed This is how the posts look attached. (shown face down) Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed With the boards secured together I was able to move forward with cutting the design. Using Illustrator I drew what I felt matched my ideal headboard to scale. After drawing the headboard, I cut it in half so it would fit on the printer paper. I sent that file to Staples for an engineer print, $3.50. I cut out the print and traced it on to the back of the headboard. (you can see my 1x6 I used to reinforce the headboard) Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed I was ready to cut: Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed This was a new tool for me. I've used it once before in working in Hallie's room but it was minimal and I didn't use it exactly for it's intended purpose. Steve saw me pull this brand new tool out and I could see his skepticism. I had worked so hard already and he didn't want me screwing it up at this point. He told me to practice on a small board we had lying around. So I quickly drew a scrolly line and started to cut. It was a disaster and I couldn't hit the line to save my life. I immediately walked over to the project to start the headboard. Steve had fear in his eyes. "Are you sure you're ready - you didn't even hit the line on your practice." I can do it. The headboard was heavier and didn't move around like the little board did. I nailed it. I never wavered from the line and it was near perfection. But I learned something valuable from my practice board - CUT FROM THE BACK SIDE! As you cut, the bottom of the board will be your nicer/cleaner cut.

4. Footboard
Cut a 2x10 to 60.5 inches. Using the kreg jig, drill four holes on each end (on the inside) of the 2x10. (the jig gives you a chart as to what size of screw you should use based on the size of the pieces you are connecting.) Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed Once again I use clamps (this one in particular is a kreg specific clamp) to make sure everything is tight as I drill. I attached my board a 1/2 inch below the top of the post.

5. Bed rails
Cut 2 2x10s at 80.5 inches. (attach mattress support and hardware later)

6. Sand
Sand like crazy with a fine sandpaper. The 2x10's especially have to be sanded down a lot to get them looking nice.

7. Condition
Wipe everything down really well after sanding and using a lint free cloth condition the wood based on manufacturers instructions. Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner found here Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed

8. Stain
This is my first stain project and it went much better than I expected. I used a lint free cloth and with gloved hands, I rubbed the stain into the wood. It really was as easy at that. Once again follow manufacturers instructions. For a darker stain, apply another coat. For lighter stain - wipe some off. Minwax Jacobean found here Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed

9. Polyurethane
I have never liked this step. I used it on my cabinets in Wisconsin and I could never get a uniform look. So, I almost skipped this step altogether. But after looking at the bed for four days after I stained it, I realized it needed something a little more - after some research I came home with Wipe-on Poly, Satin, made by Minwax. I followed the directions and even watched a couple YouTube videos and I loved how easy it was to use. It went on evenly without streaking and it left a beautiful soft finish. I did two coats. Minwax Satin Wipe-On Poly found here

10. Hardware/Support
Attach the 2x3 (cut 5 inches shorter than the bedrail) using 3 1/2inch screws into pre-drilled holes: Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed Life with Fingerprints: DIY Queen Bed

You can attach the bedrails to the frame any way you please. Some use a lag bolt, some use screws. I use bedrail hardware. I used it on our bed and it's pretty hard to screw up! I use Rockler Hardware found here.

Decide how high you want your bedrails to sit on the bed. I like them fairly high so certain boxes can fit underneath, if you place the rails a little lower, then more of the headboard will show once you get the bed made up. Either way - it's totally flexible and you can choose how you prefer to position them. Attach the hardware to each bedrail (the same distance from the bottom of the board) on each side. Attach the coordinating piece to the footboard and headboard (the same distance from the bottom of the board). There are no instructions that come with this set, but you can play around with it and figure out which piece needs to be screwed in at the correct place. I do make sure that my bedrail hardware is the piece with the knobs. These line up with the footboard piece and you push down to lock the bedrail into place. Once you get the bed set up you can place additional support boards across your frame to support your mattress and box.

One challenge I had with this bed is the 2x10s. First of all, it's hard to find a good piece of wood in this size. I promise you it's worth your time to find the perfect board. I had one board that was just slightly bowed and it caused some problems. With the hardware attached, they are nearly as wide as the post which isn't ideal. So if your wood is bowed at all it won't sit flush. If this bothers you, use a 1x10 instead.

There you have it - I'm sure I left out something - but I'm not a professional carpenter, so cut me a little slack! Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. Great job--your building is really impressive. (I don't know enough about it to ask any questions . . . ).
    But, I love the bedding. Where did you get that quilt/shams?

  2. wow!! I am so impressed! It turned out amazing!

  3. Fantastic! I L.O.V.E. the color! Found you through Sawdust Girl's Sawdust Throwdown...

    Cher @ Designs by Studio C

  4. Great Job and the shape you made is beautiful. Found you at Sawdust Girls Linky Party.
    Kristina @

  5. WOW, that is amazing! Absolutely beautiful. It's difficult to work with 2x's for the reason you stated: it's very difficult to find perfectly straight, unwrapped boards...and even if you do, they can warp on you after the fact. You did an amazing job. You should definitely be proud!


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