Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012...

I told Steve several years ago that if our third child was a boy, it was a no-brainer that we would need to be the Incredibles family for Halloween. That year was this year. Steve receives "Father of the Year" for his courageous role as Mr. Incredible. Not all men could pull off that outfit with such grace. Along with our three little ragmuffins. And although we managed the picture above, our ragmuffins really looked like this: It was just that kind of day for poor Mr. B. There wasn't any amount of candy that would change his mind!


  1. wow- you are amazing! I love your family costumes:) How do you create such beautiful backdrops for your pictures (birthdays, 1st day of school etc...)?

    1. All of the solid color backdrops are seamless paper rolls from a photographers you can see, we have several colors!

  2. This is my favorite thing EVER!!!!! (and one of our favorite movies ever!) Incredible costumes! ;)

  3. Our Halloween pictures are like the bottom one. My little guy was also not in the mood!!

  4. I think Bennett was sad because he didn't get to wear underwear on top of his clothes too. Super fun, enjoy the family themed Halloween costumes while you can!! When Cam said he wanted to be Max for Halloween I tried to get my boys to be wild things...they were having none of it. Although, after I made Jared's costumes I think they realized how cool it would have been...maybe...deep down.

    PS. I love that Bennett is wearing sandals on Halloween. We're moving back to Milwaukee...


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