The most anticipated morning of the whole year arrived and it was awesome. We convinced Hallie and Hunter to play with the things in their stockings until Bennett woke up on his own. Best decision we made - it made for a fairly happy and tolerable baby throughout the day!

We had a pretty simple Christmas this year. Our kids are young enough that they don't require a whole lot to make them happy and we took advantage of that. They each asked santa for some legos and that was it. We happily obliged!

This car was purchased as a gift for Hunter when we lived in Milwaukee. We made the move before Christmas and this sucker didn't fit in my suitcase. We were reunited with it almost a year later and of course by that time Hunter was a little too old for it. Luckily Bennett is the perfect age for it now and has no idea he's getting hand me downs for Christmas! Building this thing on Christmas eve took far too long and we paid for it the next morning!!

Steve and I also decided to simplify this year - strictly homemade gifts. It was the first year we had tried this route and we both agreed this was something we wanted to do moving forward. It took a lot more time and energy and thoughtfulness but it was totally worth it. (I'll go into more details another time)
It always seems like the morning rushes by and before long all you're left with is a living room that looks like this:
We quickly rushed off to Steve's sister's house to enjoy a breakfast smorgasbord. Delicious. I cannot get enough of the carmel-like syrup that smothered my waffles. We had a few moments to ourself and our toys in the afternoon before we went to Steve's parents house for an early dinner with extended family.
By the time we arrived back home we were all tired. It was an amazingly exhausting day and we'd do it all over again if we could. I went to bed a happy and grateful mama that night.
The one thing that did cross my mind as I drifted off to dreamland...only 364 days left until next year. I hope that's enough time for all the homemade gifts I have in store!!
Please show us your homemade gifts, we'd love to see!!!! :)