I know I'm not alone in my love of Christmas cards. I love that we cover walls with cards from friends and family. But sadly - with all the Christmas decor tucked away in their boxes it is time to say goodbye to the "happy wall" as a friend dubbed it.

I hope those that sent us cards really like their picture because I just took a photo (with my phone) of most of them and added their picture to their contact info in my phone. Some lucked out and I was able to fit all of the family in the contact picture. Others were not so lucky. So when you call me and your picture pops up I will have to constantly remember that you really have have 5 kids, not two! Worse things have happened. But now I have a fresh, updated set of contact photos and Hunter will be able to easily recognize who is calling when he hands me the phone. Love it. It's the Christmas card that just keeps giving.
For those that decide to do the same with our card - I would prefer you use my Ms. Incredible photo. However Steve would probably argue against it.
I just took down all my cards too. Your card was voted the favorite card this year! The boys thought it was so great to have the Incredible family on our wall.