Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The big 3-0...

I don't feel 30. However, my driver's license tells me I am. I remember when 30 seemed like a distant birthday and people in their 30's seemed so much older than me, even when I was 29! :)

And as much as I don't feel that old, while reflecting back I suppose I deserve to be 30.

In the last 10 years, I have:
Bought our first house.
Graduated college.
Worked as a graphic designer.
Had first child.
Husband graduated college.
Moved to Milwaukee and bought a house.
Still worked as a designer
Had second child.
Picked up woodworking
Moved to Arizona and bought a house.
Had third child.
Still working as a full-time wife/mother, part-time designer and part-time carpenter/handyman.

Clearly, I've had a busy decade! So 30 arrived and I accepted it in all it's glory! I always envisioned a fun themed party or a trip to six flags to bring in the new decade. But I'm the party planner, not my husband, and it's totally awkward to plan your own party - so instead we celebrated with family over cake and ice cream. I have a feeling my 30's are going to be good to me!
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