Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Although I didn't design any announcements for this particular graduation - it was still a really big deal. There is nothing like graduating from your first year (of two) of preschool. This kid was so excited for all the surprises that were in store during his ceremony. He stood up there and sang his heart out and showed just how much he had learned. 20130522-DSC_1294 photo 20130522-DSC_1294.jpg I'm truly amazed at the efforts of his teachers. They take their role as "preschool teachers" very serious and they work miracles. I've seen so much progress; not only his mental state but also in his behavior and social skills. What a gift it is to be able to work with young children so well - not a talent I possess - which makes me even more grateful for those that can.

I never thought I'd send him to the same preschool two years in a row but I'm elated that he gets to go back next year ...Bennett will be signed up in the near future. 20130522-DSC_1303 photo 20130522-DSC_1303.jpg Yes, every kid had a silhouette made of them! 20130522-DSC_1301 photo 20130522-DSC_1301.jpg And a garden stone made with love and his two little feet...like I mentioned before, serious efforts!

His teachers have created an environment that fosters a love of learning - how grateful I am.

1 comment:

  1. Hate to say I told you so.

    Instead, why don't I say--"See you there next fall!"


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