Thursday, May 2, 2013

Terrible twos begin...

History has proven that we create children with personality - lots and lots of personality. Our third child is no exception and trying to get a decent photo for his two-year-old shoot proved difficult - I suppose he takes after his cousin Paxton (here)

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He's been two for a week and is living up to all the "terrible twos" hype. If I find one more tube of chapstick smeared - on the carpet, blinds, tv, his body, my desk - I'm going to go crazy. Just when I think I've found every tube, he magically pulls one out of a hat and gets it every where. If he wasn't so darn cute...


  1. Ha ha ha. He's very cute. I hear you with the Chapstick! My two-year-old has the same affinity. And she has plenty of older siblings to leave tubes of it laying around.
    I've been following your posts for a couple months now (came from 71toes) and they're great. Keep it up!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only mother fighting this! The only benefit is they won't ever have chapped lips!!


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