Thursday, October 31, 2013

Birthday Tradition...

Each of our kids have a "Birthday Book". (find it here )  photo 20131020-DSC_5285.jpg Once a year we pull the book out and fill out the appropriate birthday section. Each section has an interview for the child and then another special portion to fill out as well as pockets to put birthday invitations or photos from that year.  photo 20131020-DSC_5281.jpg  photo 20131020-DSC_5279.jpg It doesn't take long and it's just a small snapshot of each child on their birthday. The kids don't let us forget about it either, they make sure they get their interview time each year and they always want to be there when their siblings get interviewed because they think it's so funny. One day Hallie will laugh at the fact that when she was six years old she thought the family car cost $30 and that it cost $400 to fill it up with gas. Although years from now, $400 may be a more realistic number, who knows?!

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