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And now for some serious gratitude:
The last 7 weeks have left me overcome with gratitude for the selflessness and generosity of those around me. People are good and everyone wants to help and after Cannon's birth we were the recipients of a lot of service and love. It was overwhelming just how many people stepped up to feed our family, offer gifts, help with our kids and more simply just talk with us.

We've had several instances where our silent prayers and pleading were answered through other people. The day after we got home from the hospital Steve spent hours and hours preparing for his accounting final. After we got the kids to bed that Friday evening, Steve went back to his office and I sat on the couch with Cannon in a quiet house. I immediately felt emotional and very alone. More than anything I wanted Steve to comfort me but he was busy. My next thought was to call my mom - but the time difference made it very late to call her. Instead I sat on the couch feeling so alone. That's when I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone and wondered who would be stopping by that late. To my surprise, an empty nester neighbor and member of our ward stood in front of me. Seeing her face when I opened the door was complete relief. I had prayed for comfort just minutes before in my hour of loneliness and
complete exhaustion and just wanted someone to talk with to pass the time. It may not have seemed like a big deal for this lady, but it was for me.
Steve had a similar answer to prayers. He was stressing over his finals that just happened to be days after Cannon was born. He was trying to be as helpful to me as possible but I could see the stress in his face and more than anything he needed to be in his office studying. One morning as I tried to comfort Cannon - Steve tried to keep Mr. B happy and busy. Without any warning, my friend showed up at the door to see Cannon. After just minutes of arriving, she asked if she could take Bennett for the morning to play with her daughter. Relief washed over Steve's face as he quickly accepted the offer. It was an answer to his prayers.
I could recount stories like this time and time again that have occurred in the last two months. Through these experiences I've learned so much. I've learned that people are good, really good. I've learned that people are generous: their time, money and resources. I've learned that it's really hard to accept help at times, but it feels so good to know that help is never far away. I've learned that I want to be that person that shows up unexpectedly with dinner or with service, I want to be the answer to someone's prayers, just like so many were the answer to mine.
From the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you. A tough transition was made lighter through the concern and love of others. Thank you.
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