Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Brunch for Lunch predicament...

My two older kids take their lunch to school every day. Once a month, the school serves "brunch for lunch" and they eat school lunch on those days.

Last Friday was that special lunch. We weren't aware of it so both kids made their lunch for school. Of course during announcements they hear what is being served for lunch and both are bummed they brought their lunch. Here's where our kids personalities shine.

Hallie - our rule follower - decides that even though she'd really like brunch for lunch, she would eat the lunch she brought. It's the safest decision.

Hunter on the other hand, decides to keep his lunch in his backpack and enjoys a delicious school lunch. To cover his tracks he hurries and eats his sack lunch on the bus ride home.

This situation couldn't describe these two more perfectly!!

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