Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Building partner...

I always have these grand building ideas - then I convince my dad to help me implement my ideas (Barn door, dining table and entertainment center). I shoot for one big project a year and this year was nothing short of big: a shed/playhouse. We just spent the last 10 days (9 working days) pulling out every tool I seem to own to build this thing. As most of our projects go, we started out on time and ahead of schedule. By the time we got to the end it was crunch time (it's how we/roll). The finishing details seem to take forever! I'm always so optimistic that we can finish up with plenty of time to spare. And yet, I sent him on his way today just minutes after finishing...semi-finishing. There's still a few details I've got to collect some materials to finish, but we're getting closer.

I dropped him off at the airport and came home to a patio that looked like this:
Life with Fingerprings: Shed Building photo ShedBuilding-5916.jpg
Life with Fingerprings: Shed Building photo ShedBuilding-5915.jpg

It might be hard to see in the picture but there is a miter saw, compressor, nail gun, circular saw, reciprocating saw, drill, angle grinder, level, socket set, palm nailer and what seems to be every nail and screw that Home Depot sells. There was a lot of stuff on that patio and tonight we cleaned it all off. Tools went back to their respective homes. Nails were put back in their boxes. Blades were put away. It looks just the way it did 10 short days ago.

I like finishing projects, but I hate losing my building partner. I wish he lived closer. He's probably glad he lives far away. He knows very well if he lived closer my annual building projects with him would turn into a monthly gig!

My kids are sad they lost their "Old Maid" partner. I'm not sure how many times he ended up playing that game with them! We're missing him already.

Life with Fingerprings: Shed Building photo ShedBuilding-5843.jpg


  1. So fun! I love building projects and I wish I owned that many tools! Can't wait to see the finished project!

    1. Thanks! This is a collection of several years of Mother's Day, Birthday and Christmas tool presents!


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