Sunday, February 8, 2015

Teaching kids to do hard things...

I posted this story on a couple weeks back and I wanted to share it here.

My kids love candy. And it seems as though every holiday, party and even minor event they are bombarded with even more candy. So it came as quite a surprise when our daughter approached us asking to make a candy deal. Her friend’s parents were offering a big prize if she could go without candy for several months, and our daughter wanted the same deal. I lacked faith in her ability to complete the deal, and we offered a generous prize of our daughters choosing (a motorized scooter) if she went without candy for 5 months.

No candy.
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No eating the Easter candy she had just received. Nor the candy that came from classroom parties or anywhere else for that matter. She was cut off.

At first it was really hard for her. She complained when she saw her brothers eating candy and we constantly reminded her this deal was of her own choosing and she could back out at any time. But with each week that passed it became easier for her and by month three it was very apparent that she was going to earn her scooter. She had a strength and will power I had yet to see in her. She knew what she wanted and there wasn’t going to be anything standing in her way.

Just a few weeks before the deal was done, there was a knock at the door. There her friend stood holding a large lollipop with a birthday invitation attached. My sweet daughter read the invitation and looked me square in the eyes with complete disappointment. She had been invited to a Candyland party and she was not eating candy. I could see the immediate hurt and I watched her put the sucker in the cupboard. She didn’t say anything but her face said it all.

My immediate mom reaction was to shelter her from disappointment and do what it took to make it better. All sorts of things started running through my mind. Do we end the deal a couple weeks early and let her enjoy the party? Do we give her a free pass just for the afternoon?

She decided to attend the party with the understanding that she wouldn’t be partaking. We were driving to the party and just as I was about to give her a free pass for the afternoon, something in my gut said STOP. Let her do this. She is ready and willing to continue with the deal, why strip her of this tough decision she has chosen to make? She is proving not only to us, but also to herself that she can do hard things. She is learning that great reward often comes at a sacrifice. A sacrifice she was willing to make.

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I walked into the Candyland party with her and there was candy everywhere. I mean everywhere; candy covered the tables and counters. They went to great lengths to recreate the game and left out no details. Her eyes were big as she looked at me. I whispered, “You can do this.” She looked back at the table and pointed to the cupcake on the counter and giggled. “At least I can eat that!” She had the best time, despite not eating any candy and she came home with a bag full that she promptly stashed away in the cupboard next to the large lollipop to be consumed at a later date.

Just a few weeks later, the day arrived when the deal was complete and she shouted from the rooftops that she was done! There was no doubt she had earned her scooter – without taking any shortcuts. The pride that beamed from her face was worth every piece of candy she had turned down. She knew she earned it.
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As she zipped by me on her brand new scooter, she yelled, “This was totally worth it.”
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My daughter earned a scooter and I learned a valuable lesson: Kids are capable of hard things if we allow them to and foster environments where they feel safe to try hard things. As parents we want to rescue them from hurt and disappointment, but as they work through hard things, they gain an inner strength that can only be learned through experience. I almost gave my daughter an “out” in her tough situation. Instead, she stood tall, stuck with her decision and didn’t turn back. She will be better off for doing so.
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  1. This story actually made me tear up. I can so relate with wanting to save my children. But you are right, letting them experience hard things will better prepare then in life for the really hard thing. Awesome.

    1. I think these are lessons that every age could benefit from. I could also use a little practice in self-discipline - maybe I can make a deal with my husband to earn a new tool! ;)

  2. This must be a trend because my two oldest are doing it too. They approached us with a similar deal because they have some friends doing it. (My kids are going a year without candy for $100). It has really surprised me the amount of will power they have and I think it's great. But I think they are getting something more out of it than money and less cavities. One of my sons has told me that several times his friends at school have said, "Just eat the candy, your mom won't know". My son told me this and I asked him what he said. He said, "But that's not honest, and that's not the point. I'm the one choosing to go without candy and I don't lie." I thought, wow...this will come in handy down the road when they are asked to smoke or do drugs. They've already made decisions not to do those things and now they know that they can stand by their decisions and do the right thing because it's what they've chosen to do, not because they are forced or because they think they might get caught. Learning this principle now has been such a blessing to them.

    1. Thank you for you comment. I'm all for any trend that allows my kids to build confidence and like you said, helps them build patterns of making decisions and then being honest enough to follow through with those decisions. What I didn't write in the story is that our 5 year old also tried the same challenge and really struggled. Finally after sneaking candy multiple times dropped out of the challenge and had a hard time understanding why he couldn't have the lego set he picked out. I think there's great lessons to learn all around!

  3. What a girl! What a lesson. Having knowledge that she chooses her fate by making choices and facing consequences is wise far beyond her years. Awesome that you let her choose.

  4. What a girl! What a lesson. Having knowledge that she chooses her fate by making choices and facing consequences is wise far beyond her years. Awesome that you let her choose.


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