Monday, June 15, 2015

Good ol' days...

Although we live just miles away from some of Steve's longest friends - we rarely see them. He left for his mission and college. We met and married. We moved far away. We returned several years later and yet we haven't seen much of some and none of others. In fact, we saw more of his friends when we would visit Arizona, we'd gather at a restaurant for dinner and catch up.

I suppose it takes someone moving away from Arizona for us to all gather again - to catch up before saying good bye. That's what we did last weekend. Amy arranged the gathering/potluck, sans children, and it was delightful. It was weird to grab a plate for myself without dishing up two children and cleaning up at minimum two spills.

And the weather was agreeable.
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They reminisced about the good ol' days. Laughing and trying to pinpoint who's crazy idea it was way back when. I'm sure the stories are long past embellished but you could tell in their minds it was 100% how it happened! I had heard most of the stories a time or two, but there were a few that slipped in that I turned to Steve and asked, "How have I not heard this!"

I loved watching Steve interact with his friends. In all the stories - he was never the main character - always a supporting actor, which is just like him. Some things never change.

It was fun. They are people I would love to spend more time with - which isn't always the case with some high school friends.
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Here's the originals:
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And the originals with their better halves.
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Hopefully someone else will move soon so we can gather again. :)

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