Sunday, August 16, 2015


Phoenix is melting. These excessive heat warnings are real and they're severe. It's hot. Breaking records hot. Friday we broke the record with 117 degrees (Previously the record was 113). I'm wondering how many people have experienced that kind of heat. Saturday was a little better at 115 but we also broke the record. I was walking across a parking lot and it felt as if my flip flops were melting to the asphalt. The trip from the car to the store caused sweat to roll down my face. We had friends over that evening and we were comparing air conditioning stories; our units seemed to run nonstop all day and couldn't keep up.

We agreed it was probably the worst weekend of the year.

And yet on the worst weekend of the year, we hosted a movie in the pool on Friday night and Saturday was spent at a swim party for our church with all our friends from the neighborhood. We spent two hours outside in the blasting heat watching kids jump off high dives and go down water slides.
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Bennett started turning a lever and had no idea what he was opening! I laughed as I watched from afar knowing very well he was about to get pelted. To his credit, he stood there and took it like a man, he never let go of that lever. He just waited for the water to stop!
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The heat did zap any and all energy we had for the rest of the day. The kids were energizer bunnies and it didn't seem to slow them down. They were back in the heat and swimming just two hours after we got home. Steve and I required a little more recuperating time and a lot of water to rehydrate.

Its crazy to think we're looking forward to the cool-down this week with 111 and 109 temperatures.

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