Monday, September 7, 2015

Weekend fun...

Labor day weekend - we didn't do a whole lot of laboring, but we did manage to play...a lot!

Steve's brother and his wife (who we lived by in Milwaukee and who we traveled with earlier this year) came to town for the weekend and it was a party from the start. I wish I had more photos of every gathering, every conversation and laugh that we shared.

Instead - I have a couple pictures, and a lot of memories. Which isn't how I typically roll - but there are times when I get caught in the moment and forget to pick up the camera. That was the case this weekend.

The great thing about Bob and Virginia is they foster great conversation. Whether its in the car, sitting on the couch in the living room or in a restaurant - conversation is easy and it's always interesting. They ask plenty of questions, but they're also willing to answer any questions. The spectrum of topics we covered was vast and yet effortless. They make things fun and people like to be around them. Including us.

We've been dying to take them to a restaurant we enjoy and the atmosphere was casual and fun. Boise State football was on the screen and we sampled 6 things from the menu - all of which were delicious.

The next day we hosted a family bbq - partly to swim and eat - but mostly to watch college football. The support for teams was broad. Bob and Virginia were donning Stanford attire (from an earlier game), I was supporting my team Boise State and their win from the night before, a few came with blue Y shirts and a few were sporting ASU gear for the evening game. Bob and Virginia actually changed shirts for the both the ASU game as well as the Wisconsin game that night - they're loyal to many!
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Luckily, there was time for some spikeball during halftime!
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For the most part the adults were parked right on the couch in the living room watching the BYU game. For those that follow football know we had plenty of opportunities to yell at the TV and turn off the game in frustration. But we didn't and we were rewarded by watching history when they took the game in the final second. There was a lot of jumping, yelling and high fives being thrown around when they won that game. Oddly enough, I'm not a big BYU fan but fan or not, it was fun to watch.
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I think we watched roughly 8 hours of football on Saturday, a few the night before and even some on Thursday night. Steve said it was the perfect way to kick off the new season!

And because we have family visiting - there is never enough gathering - so we gathered again last night for a potluck dinner. You would think we would get tired of laughing with each other! But we don't.
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We wish Bob and Virginia lived closer - instead we just look forward to their visits as frequent as we can get them. We said our goodbyes this morning and we sent them back to Wisconsin. Our kids experienced cousin hangover for the first half of the day and once they recovered from that we met friends at the church gym and played frisbee dodgeball, basketball and spikeball for three hours. They were worn out by the end of the day! And so were we!

Oddly enough, I feel like there should be a weekend to recover from holiday weekends like this!


  1. What a wonderful "look-back" on an awesome weekend. Thank you for beautifully capturing the photos and the memories of our time together. AND for being incredibly hosts! Love you.

  2. EPIC game against Coach Pete! Boise State ROCKS!!!!

    1. I wear my Boise State gear with pride - even when surrounded by Sun Devils!


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