Friday, October 9, 2015

Our little secret...

We have a little secret...and we're pretty excited about it. For those who have seen me lately probably know its not a secret at all, but we're bringing Baby #5 home at the end of February.

It's been a long, long summer and I've spent more time in my bed than I ever have before. Steve likes to joke that I now have the energy of a normal person - but for me it's really hard to manage this pace. Building projects have all been put on the back burner (and if I'm being real - cooking dinner has been put on the back burner!) and my motivation for much else just hasn't been there.

But I'm almost half-way done and feeling much better. It's just a shame to know I'll only feel this good for a short while before it starts to taper off again towards the end!

Today we found out the gender. We went into this pregnancy with the understanding this is most likely our last one, so Hallie was pulling hard for a sister knowing this would be her last chance. Steve insisted we take her to the appointment today for the big reveal. Steve, Hallie and I sat in that dark room patiently until she confidently declared this baby was a boy. I was happy with this announcement. I was actually hoping for a boy for several reasons. But my heart wanted Hallie to have a sister - just as I've hoped with every pregnancy.

I thought she might keep it together with the two technicians in the room, but she lost it. Sobbing. She had me and the tech in tears over her extreme disappointment. I had prepped her so many times telling her it was probably a boy. But she is young and hopeful and honestly believed it was a girl. It was hard to focus the rest of the appointment as I heard her sniffles coming from the couch. Fortunately, the baby looked totally healthy and it put me at peace. (for some reason this pregnancy I've had worries I never felt with the other pregnancies) A clean bill of health was just what I wanted to hear.
Gender Reveal
We drove home and had the same conversation I've had with her after every gender reveal. You're my favorite daughter. No one will steal your clothes. You'll never have to share a room, etc, etc. But it didn't calm her like it has in the past. In the past she always held hope that the next one might be a girl. And now her fate has been sealed and it was a hard reality for her. Throughout the night she was up and down. One minute she was fine and then someone would mention the new baby boy and tears once again rolled down her cheeks. It was heartbreaking for me to watch. But then I watched her with her brothers and I couldn't help but think just how great she is for those boys. She's a saint and she loves them even when they steal her candy.

She helped us share with the boys the good news. A nice, friendly, blue silly string war. The minute blue started streaming from the nozzle both Hunter and Bennett screamed with joy that they were having a boy. (Yet another dagger in Hallie's heart!)
Gender Reveal
Gender Reveal
Gender Reveal
Gender Reveal
Not sure Cannon loved our reveal idea. He was fine until someone sprayed him!
Gender Reveal
Gender Reveal
Before we found out, Hallie was adamant that it be a girl. She added..."But if its a boy, I hope its a boy like Cannon and not like Bennett or Hunter." Cannon has a special place in her heart - I think it's the age and he'll grow out of his cuteness to her soon enough, just in time to love a new baby brother.
Gender Reveal

Hallie and I are going to have to stand strong - we're in this together amongst all these crazy boys. I'm blessed she was my first and these boys don't understand just how lucky they are to have her. Good thing we know how to do boys.
Gender Reveal


  1. I understand how you feel. We also have 5...4 boys and 1 girl (only our girl is in the middle). I think it's easier for a lone girl with all boys than the other way around. She'll grow up strong and have lots of protectors. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! you look fabulous as always! hallie might have to get a girl pet! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure there is a pet in our near or distant future - boy or a girl!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! you look fabulous as always! hallie might have to get a girl pet! :)

  5. I have all brothers even after praying for a sister and asking Santa Claus to bring me one.

    1. Hallie hasn't tried the Santa trick yet - she knows at this point it's a lost cause!

  6. This breaks my heart! This is a little of Kaden, my oldest' reaction to our 4th. She's a sweet girl!

  7. she may one day be blessed with 4 sisters-in-law, and i am sure they will make up for growing up with 4 rowdy brothers ;)

    1. That's so true - she'll hopefully have "sisters" one day!

  8. Your boys are so cute! So excited for your sweet family! Congrats!

  9. I never comment, but really love reading your blog! I have 1 daughter (12) followed by five sons (10,8,6,4,3) I COMPLETELY understand all of those feelings and watching your little girl's heart break when finding out she has yet another brother. I cried for her too, knowing how close I am with my sister and wanting the same for her. But I really do feel honored and grateful to have my one girl (and so fun to have her as the oldest, like you) followed by so many boys. To me, it's the perfect family! I'm excited for your family!

  10. You've hid your secret well on the blog!! Congratulations and good luck for the next few months!!

  11. Congrats Pothiers!! We are so excited for your cute family and grateful to hear you are feeling better. And hopefully Halle is too!

  12. Congrats Pothiers!! We are so excited for your cute family and grateful to hear you are feeling better. And hopefully Halle is too!

  13. Congrats!! How sad for Halle, though 😕 haha that picture with she and the balloons is so cute. We are due at the end of February with our 4th...a second boy 😊 you're family is previous and I just love your blog!


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