Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Long Weekend Visit...

My mom's visits are never long enough - but I'll take her as long as I can get her. I have my mom come out to hang out and spend time with the kids, I have my dad come out to help me build and work on projects. That's why they don't come out together!

This visit was consumed for the most part with Halloween fun. Parades, class parties, neighborhood parties, trick-or-treating and then of course the recovery from all the fun (and sugar).

My mom would've been happy sitting on the porch, basking in the warm afternoon sun. But no one has time for that! We had walks to go on, games to play, parks to visit and movies to see. (We really enjoyed Inside Out at the dollar theater.)

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She is easy to have around, Steve gets along with her well and we never tire of joking around together. I'm convinced she needs to spend winters here and summers in Idaho - unfortunately her job gets in the way of that. Which is why we enjoy her when we get her. And luckily we'll have a baby joining us early next year which is a great excuse for another visit.

Love you mom.

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