Monday, January 4, 2016

Pregnancy...week 32...

It's a little weird to think that we have a baby coming next month - yes it's the last day of the month but it's still next month. All of my pregnancies have been relatively easy - this go around has been harder. Varicose veins are no fun and I'm amazed the aches and pains those things cause. I would consider myself a fairly active person and basic tasks that require standing for any period of time, like making dinner, have become increasingly difficult. My doctor is confident that once the baby is delivered, they should subside. Fingers crossed!

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And just for comparison's sake, here's a throwback to when I was pregnant with Cannon at 32 weeks:
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  1. I can totally relate!! I'm 33 weeks today with our 4th and this go round has been so much harder on me physically (which then affects me emotionally...I'm way more grouchy). Varicose veins HURT! And I feel like no one ever warned me of that!! I've always been told the more pregnancies you have the harder they get but, seriously, I feel cheated that no one elaborated on what that meant lol! Did they mean that you feel like you're in your 3rd trimester from 18 weeks on? Cause that's what I'm saying ;)

    You look absolutely awesome though! And what better way to start off a new year than with a new baby?!

    1. We're in the same boat! The sacrifices we make for these children, they may never understand!!


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