Thursday, March 31, 2016

4 weeks...

I keep hoping that one week older will mean a little more sleep at night...hasn't been the case yet, but I can hope for next week, right?!

We pulled out the swing this week - he doesn't hate it, he doesn't love it. He's lukewarm on the idea.

He does however like his carseat.

He experienced his first Easter - he slept through most of it. He woke up just in time to be completely uninterested in the fact that I was putting him in his basket for the group picture.

He spits up a lot. A lot. I keep playing the what-did-I-eat-that-might-upset-him game and after removing everything questionable I'm convinced he's just a kid that spits up. We'll deal with it - although baby's are much more irresistible when then smell like a baby, not sour spit up.

He sleeps like a dream when you're holding him - the minute you put him down he wakes up. We're going to need to work on that!
Weekly Baby Photos


  1. Maybe you should try him on some soy formula so he can keep it down. He does look rather sickly...

  2. We've tried other kids on soy formula in the past without any success. Luckily we have an appointment with the Dr next week.

  3. I think your baby is adorable and looks totally healthy!

  4. Hugs, I have had some very pukey babies and it is rough. Wearing my last baby in a wrap was the only way I survived having that fourth baby! I eliminated dairy, soy, eggs, citrus, tomato, corn and oats. It was a rough time. Hoping you have good helpers

  5. So lucky to get parenting advice from strangers on the internet! He doesn't look sickly to me. Hope he starts sleeping better and you get some rest. My last baby was a puker big time. For about 8 months we used receiving blankets instead of burp cloths and bibs. Each week got better and better. He did have to go on medicine and he was put on a special formula when he was 6 weeks old because of food issues. I hope that is not your case - it smelled super awful and it was crazy expensive. I felt like we got a raise when he turned 1 and went on almond milk (except now he only wants to eat baby food pouches so instead of spending money on formula it now goes to food pouches). Anyway, you don't even know me and I rarely comment, but I really like your blog, your family seems great and I weirdly felt protective when someone said you baby looked sickly!

  6. We used biogaia with our last baby and it was wonderful! Wish we had known about it for our other spit up, not content babies. It's expensive and up here you have to ask the pharmacist for it (because it is kept in the fridge) worth every penny.


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