Several years back I prepared
a talk to give on Easter to our church congregation. In my preparation, I came across an impactful talk given by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin,
Sunday Will Come. He talks of our Savior's resurrection after such a dark Friday in His life and what that means for each and every one of us. Here's one of my favorite quotes from his talk.
Happy Easter weekend.
Kara- I just enjoyed catching up on your blog. I read about Little Briggs coming into the world--I'm so glad you didn't have to wait until 41 weeks. He is so beautifully perfect. What a sweet little addition. I absolutely loved the picture of all 7 of you together in your Easter outfits. Such an amazing family you are! I ended my catching up with this quote. I adore it. This past week has been an emotional one. Our friend lost his 1 month battle to cancer leaving behind his wife and 5 small kids. It is heart breaking. Saturday was the funeral. I would love to share this quote with my friend Sarah. Would you be willing to email a copy of it? Hope to see you this summer!