Sunday, April 3, 2016


We spent the weekend in pajamas, on the couch watching "Church on TV" as it was referred to when I was a kid. We watch talks both Saturday and Sunday for several hours and I always walk away feeling renewed. Some talks offer poignant stories, others offer instruction. There are always a couple talks that stand out at the close of the weekend - one in particular this weekend spoke of fathers.

Listening to D. Todd Christofferson speak of fathers and how they are often overlooked or not given enough credit, I was overcome with gratitude for both my father as well as the father of my children. I've praised my dad several times on this blog as he is always willing to help me with my projects. He is amazing and I'm grateful for him and is dedication to fatherhood. Part of my appreciation for my father comes from watching Steve be a father.

Steve doesn't really like a whole lot of facetime on the blog - he's more of a behind the scenes kind of guy. But let me tell you - he takes his role as a father seriously and I love him for it. He is always putting the needs of us before himself. I remember when he was working full-time, going to school and had a hefty church responsibility - he would come home with what little time and energy he had and he would give everything to our kids for the short time that they were still awake. He wrestled, played football, gave horsey rides and read books. I bet if you asked our kids - the only complaint they would have during that time period would be the lack of Saturday morning pancakes (which is Steve's specialty) due to his testing schedule. They have no clue that because he dedicated the hour and a half to playing with them that it extended his day doing homework late into the night.

I'm reminded with each child's birth just how important it is to him to being there and being present; not just for the kids but more importantly for me. He's fiercely dedicated and he's humble - how's that for attractive! :) Watching him interact with our kids is just the cherry on top.

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