Thursday, April 14, 2016

I'll think about it...

I saw this quote online and I couldn't help but chuckle:
 photo 90706560-d4e3-4635-a839-a9fe1efa710b.jpg
Admittedly, this is me. I rarely say "I'll think about it", instead I say, "We'll see". But it means the same thing. I never thought I'd be that mom. The one that keeps kicking the can down the street, but that's what I'm doing every time I say, "We'll see". Part of me doesn't want the fight; hoping that they lose interest in it whatever it is. Sometimes I say it so I can buy enough time to come up with a good excuse. Other times I say it so I can come up with a better consolation prize.

For example: Bennett is known for asking to watch a movie. I will be cleaning up breakfast and he'll ask if he can watch a movie after dinner. I can never commit to saying yes because a yes to him is a blood oath, regardless of any reasonable reason why plans change. A "no" makes him frustrated and angry and I don't want him asking why he can't watch a movie 8 hours from now, 6 hours from now, 3 hours from get the picture.

So I say, "I don't know, we'll see." Some nights it works out and he's in heaven. Other times he gets a consolation prize of going for a walk as a family and he can ride his "super fast bike" which in his mind is equally as great as a movie - and he didn't have to hear the word "no". So my "we'll see" isn't always bad!

I tell you, parenting is one part love, one part patience and one part creativity. (Coming up with a solution that dodges a meltdown takes some serious creativity!)


  1. you help me feel so much more normal ;) I say "we'll see" often too...especially to Drew who is apparently a lot like Bennett. and i just can't help but thinking that you and i would be good friends...from what i "see" from you posts, we are pretty much in the same stage in life and i really love your perspective ;) thanks!

    1. Aren't we all normal? We're doing our best in this thing called motherhood but in reality most of us are relieved when the kids are tucked away safely in their beds at night! I'm sure we'd be good friends - that is if you could handle my somewhat sarcastic approach to life and my kids!


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