Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weekly photo project...that's a wrap...

What started as an idea to shoot a monthly photo (similar to Hunter's monthly photos) turned into something much more (thanks to inspiration from!

I remember walking through the fabric store with my mom right after Bennett was born and trying to choose a fabric that would be his first month photo. I decided that I better shoot his first month every week because they change so much in that first month, then I would shoot every month.

In the back of my mind I thought it would be fun to shoot every week. But I didn't want the work that would go with it or the commitment of having to follow through. We hit the one month mark and the following Tuesday I pulled out another blanket/fabric and shot another photo, but I still wasn't completely sold on doing it for a year. I think I got 10 weeks in and decided there was no turning back, I had to shoot this little guy every Tuesday for a year. For the most part I really looked forward to it each and every week. But there were plenty of days where I knew the second he woke up that I was not going to get the cute smiley photo I was hoping for. But some of the grumpy photos are my favorite!

One photo for every Tuesday for the first year of Mr. B's life. I love it and I'm happy to say, that's a wrap!


  1. That is so awesome! What a special treasure to have (Bennett and the pics)!

  2. So cute! What a great idea. You will love to look back on it, and I'm sure Bennett will too!

  3. Now it's time to make a print of that adorableness!! You are amazing!

  4. One word... DEDICATION!! and maybe a few more... super cute!

  5. This is so beautiful. My baby girl Clarice will be with us probably until the end of this week and of course I´ll do something like this. I understand the way you put the numbers of the weeks, but there are some weeks like 28 or 35 that is probably more difficult to do on photoshop LOL. Thanks for the inspiration! <3


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