Monday, January 7, 2013

Back to School...

Is it any surprise that Steve's first day at school would be treated any different than any other first day of school in this family? (other shoots here, here and here.)

Of course not. Chalkboard and all. Let it be known that my husband is a good sport and puts up with all of my crazy shenanigans. He puts up with endless photoshoots and is only mildly irritated most of the time. I figure after the incredibles photoshoot (here), everything seems so conservative! Holding a chalkboard is a breeze compared to a Mr. Incredible costume!

I did ask him to do a fun/silly pose. He sat there unwilling. I pleaded. He said, "I'm not going to do a silly pose, it'll just end up on the blog for everyone to see." I had no argument. The shoot ended and we sent him on his way.

He is now in full school mode. He has a one week full-time commitment before it switches to part time. Fortunately he has a friend that he will be joining throughout the entire program. I'm sure this is going to make a world of difference. So fun to send them on their way; they even coordinated outfits like any good friends would do. The joys of going back to school...


  1. Oh I love this! I love that Steve smiles through the first day of school photo shoot but man I'm really wishing he'd have gone for the silly picture!

  2. What a good sport. Good luck Steve! No worries about going back to school...we've never thought of you as anything less than amazing!

  3. Skype call needed! This Sunday?

  4. I think they planned to be twinners on the first day of school!

  5. So exciting! Matt might be following in his footsteps soon. I wish they could go together with matching outfits and all :) Good luck Steve!!


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