Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Years Eve...

New Years Eve is one of the holidays that I could skip all together and not be the least bit disappointed. It's fun and all, but it doesn't do a whole lot for me. The last two years, we've spent it with family and had an amazing time. However, the next day we pay heavily for the over-tired children, who ate far too many sweets and it is no fun at all. Each year we tell ourselves, "it's okay, they're having so much fun, they'll sleep in tomorrow." We have yet to be right.

This year we weren't going to take that chance. Our friends have young children as well and were hosting an early NYE party. It was exactly what our kids needed. We enjoyed fireworks, food, a firepit and smores. To top it off we were done by 10pm. It was an ideal situation and we had a great time. Perhaps if we consistently celebrate the new year a couple hours early, it might become a holiday we look forward to and plan for! I could totally get behind a themed new years party!

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