Friday, January 4, 2013

Changes on the homefront...

Because Steve was getting bored with the lack of home projects we have going on he has decided to go back to school. As of tomorrow, he is officially an MBA student. For 2 1/2 years he will do work full-time, school part-time and family part-time. You're about ready to witness a fantastic juggling show!

He has always wanted to go back to school and even applied a few years back but nothing came of it. And although it was not the right time then, it's working out to be the right time now and we're both really excited about it. I secretly (or not so secretly) wish it was me going back, so I will live vicariously through my husband! And as excited as we are, there are definitely some unknowns and fears we share. Life is crazy and work is busy and there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day as it is. So we'll shuffle and re-work some schedules to accomodate the best we can.

Steve is concerned about the school aspect in general - it's been several years since he was in the classroom and that's always a little nerve wracking. I teased him about getting me a supply list so I could pack is backpack, instead he put me on the task of finding the best apps for the ipad that would help him study, take notes, etc. School has definitely changed since we were in college.

We are in agreement that it will be hard. It will be time-consuming. It will be stressful. But it will be worth it and we can do anything for 2 1/2 years. There's only one teensy tiny downfall to this new adventure- and Steve wouldn't even agree that this is a downfall - but all financial resources will be pushed to the tuition bill. Which means home projects will come to a screeching halt. The kitchen I had envisioned working on this spring will have to wait. The additional carpet we wanted to replace or the bathrooms that need remodeled. It will have to wait.

I count my lucky stars I ripped out as much mauve carpet as I could and replaced it with wood floors before we found out he would be going to school. Just a silver lining! :) And even as I type this, I cringe. I can't give up all projects, just the major expensive ones. I'll go crazy with him as busy as he will be and me with all the time in the world not to do a couple minor projects. A little something here and there. We'll make it work!

Here's to a year of new adventures!


  1. It sure will be an adventure! So excited that he's doing this, and I hope we can help in some way while you are doing some single-parenting!

  2. Way to go Steve! This is exciting! Sam was stoked to get the call from Steve that he was going! He will do GREAT! Kara, you're an amazing woman! It would have been hard for me to have Sam working and doing school at the same time! Good luck to you both! xoxo


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