Thursday, March 5, 2015

The playhouse/shed...

I'm having a hard time turning my attention back to the shed. True to form I got the majority of the building portion done and then I needed to step away for a little breather before I start attacking the details. Which is funny, because I'm a very detailed oriented person, and I enjoy details. But hours and hours into the project, the details aren't sounding like fun!

Here's how it looked the day my dad left:
 photo Shed-5919.jpg
Proudest moment: When we installed the doors and they fit! Not only did they fit, but they opened. That my friends is a victory!

The bottom portion is a shed for our lawn equipment and the top portion that's open is a clubhouse. I originally wanted the clubhouse completely open with just a railing that went around. But we opted for the safer option of enclosing it - as Steve pointed out an advantage of enclosing it is not having to see the mess that will become the clubhouse!
 photo Shed-5920.jpg
The biggest hangup at this point: finding the safest way to get up and down, we've left an open spot for something...anything.

Ladders are great but they can be hard for little feet to get down. Fireman's pole was an option but once again, we were fearful of an accident. We figured our kids are going to be in there enough that whatever we do, they'll figure out and they'll get up and down no problem. But when the neighbor kids come over - how will they get down safely. The easiest option we're thinking is an enclosed slide. But we're limited on space and we don't want them sliding down into a concrete pad. A swirly slide will work. Neither of us are jumping for joy at that option but it's probably our safest bet.

We're thinking of putting a slide in and then figuring out what type of ladder will work with it. It's always a process. And processes are known to take time.

In the meanwhile, I've been trying to think of ways minimize the "shed" look. Trees, bushes, vines. Something that will withstand our delightful dry summers. And then of course I've got to have the kids decorate their space. Yea, this won't be finished for a while.
 photo Shed-.jpg


  1. "Shed"? You mean small house!! Wow. You continue to amaze me.

  2. You are quite simply amazing. Can't wait to see it in person!


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