Sunday, April 26, 2015


We're celebrating this cute kid.

Bennett - Mr. B - Buddy

He might be our most social and personable child at this point. He makes friends everywhere and usually doesn't remember their names, but incessantly shouts "buddy" until they respond to him.

He's silly and funny. He is our daily comedy act and loves the attention and making people laugh.

His favorite color is blue. And his next favorite is "another blue".

He always asks to go to Old McDonalds.

He wakes up way too early and we're currently clock training him to only leave his room when he sees a certain number on the clock. We've been at it for a while and we're starting to see improvement.

His best friend is Anna from down the street and he gives her big hugs every time he sees her.

He requests the same three songs every single night. Que Sera, I love to see the temple and I hope they call me on a mission.

He loves all food. His favorite food is pizza and he's gets excited to eat carrots with his lunch.

He is energetic and loving and he keeps me on my toes. It seems as though he's been a four-year-old for a while now. In fact I'm pretty sure he started telling people right after Christmas that he was four when Anna turned four.

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It's good to be four. Happy Birthday Buddy!


  1. I have followed your blog for a long time, but have never commented. Just had to today, though. I have a son named Bennett, too, and he is spunky and and has that mischievous twinkle in his eye just like your sweet boy. What a special, feisty, adorable dour year old you have. Happy birthday, Bennett :)


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