Monday, December 21, 2015

Preschool Christmas Program...

With Hunter's 2 years in preschool and now Bennett's two years in preschool - I've attended this preschool Christmas program four years straight. And although I know all the songs they're going to sing and even the props they're going to use, I'm still entertained year after year.
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Bennett is our animated kid and yet he stood on the very last row, trying hard not to leave his name sticker. He had very little animation song after song, which is odd for him. But in between songs - well that's a different story. He was making faces, doing silly dances and making the kids next to him laugh. He knows how to have a good time.

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After the program, Cannon found his place next to Bennett in line waiting for their turn with Santa. From afar, Cannon was excited as can be. The shorter the line became and the closer to Santa he got, the more scared he became. By the time it was his turn, Cannon was in tears. Those tears were quickly wiped away when he realized that he would get candy if he sat on his lap.
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A candy cane will make just about any kid smile. This is a special Santa because it just so happens to be the exact Santa that Cannon met when he was just a few weeks old. And even though I don't have a kid in preschool next year I might still have to go to the program just to see our favorite Santa.
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