Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Project Week...

My dad is in town for what has become his annual spring visit - lending his helping hand in moving our projects forward (because that's what makes sense when you're as pregnant as I am!). Today's project: wrapping the patio posts. We have traditional turned posts that once complimented the victorian style of the house.
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But, part of the landscape renovation was updating the look of the house just a bit. Years ago we removed the gingerbread and white picket railing. Now, we're covering the posts; much more economical than replacing them all together. As with most of projects - there was a strong learning curve on this process. Fortunately, we have seven posts, so we're becoming more efficient with each one. We got over half of them done today and we'll be back at it tomorrow.
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Once they're wrapped we'll move on to trimming them out. And once that's mind swirls with what project to tackle next!


  1. Awesome! I love a good project every now and again, but your "projects" are on a WHOOOOOLE different level! Can't wait to see the after pictures. Now, go put your feet up - ha!! :)

    1. I love a big project just as much as I love organizing the linen closet - in all reality I just really love projects big and small!


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