Monday, April 11, 2016

Grandmas and babies...

I'm trying to go through the hundreds (dare I say thousands) of pictures that we've taken since Briggs was born. I remember at the time feeling completely out of it and foggy and yet i was consciously trying to take as many pictures as I could so I would remember those fuzzy moments.

My mom came out to help the day after we came home from the hospital. (With our original induction date it would've been a couple days after we returned home.)

Over the course of five kids, my mom has always been able to come out and help. (I know not everyone has that opportunity, I don't take it for granted one bit). With Hallie we lived close enough and when I called to tell her we were in labor, she made the five-hour drive over to the hospital. She was able to stay for a week - not nearly long enough with how difficult our lovely first child was! Hunter came early, and we had already book plane tickets, so she came when he was over two weeks old. Bennett and Cannon were both induced and we arranged for her to come a week after he was born.

Even after five kids, I'm still torn as to when is the best time to have her come. Those that she came right away, I loved the help and relaxation of her visit. Those that I had some time to heal and mend, we were able to do more together instead of me sleeping away most every day. Regardless - her visits never seemed long enough.

We spent the first part of her visit on the couch.
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And a lot of baby holding.
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When the kids got home from school, they wanted grandma time. Hallie consistently requested a game of Racko out on the patio, she knew my mom is a sucker for soaking up nice beautiful weather before returning home to the cold - it's a request my mom could hardly resist. They convinced her to read one of their favorite (silly) books "The book with no pictures". It really is quite amusing and the kids request that every guest read it to them.
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She helped me with newborn photoshoots.
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Towards the end of her stay, I started to regain feeling in my tailbone and we ventured out of the house for a few short excursions - the bike park, the Easter pageant and the plant nursery.
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I had high hopes for more adventures but I was really running on empty and that was all I could manage. And my mom was just as happy sitting on the couch holding Briggs than anything else I could dream up.


  1. So glad she cold be with you all. She is a wonderful woman!

  2. love your mom!! and Hunters blanket at the Easter pageant!

    1. You recognize that blanket!? Still a favorite around this house.


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